In the past 6 months has been used by 3412 unique visitors from 59 countries. As of today it has conjugated 8394 verbs. It's great to see so many people all over the world learning Korean.
Last night I updated the way that irregulars are handled and tried to make it more obvious when a verb is regular or irregular. If you ask for the conjugation of 쉽다 the site will now tell you that you are looking at a ㅂ irregular at the top of the page. The rare verbs that have both regular and irregular forms, such as 걷다 now display a message about this at the top of the page.
The whole irregular detection system was gutted and replaced with a much simpler system. The previous system used heuristics to determine if a verb was regular or irregular. There were a lot of rules, they weren't always right, and they were getting very hard to maintain. The solution was to extract verbs that look irregular but aren't from Bryan Park's spreadsheet of Korean verbs based on his excellent book 500 Korean Verbs. A list of exceptions was created of verbs that met the criteria of an irregular form but conjugated regularly.
For example, 웃다 ends in a ㅅ, so it might be an irregular ㅅ verb. Both the regular and irregular conjugations are tested to see which one is correct. It turns out that the regular conjugation is correct, so 웃다 is added to the list of verbs that looks like an irregular but is indeed regular.
This commit has a list of all of the verbs that appeared to meet the criteria for being irregular but are regular.
If you are interested in the entry announcing the site might be of interest. Also, the code is available on github for your perusal.